There’s been a lot going on over the last year regarding privacy and how we keep kids safe both on the internet and within apps.
We’ve heard stories of kids running up hefty costs because their parents didn’t realise they could make In-App-Purchases.
Another issue is that kids apps often have adverts which are presented in banner ads in prominent places. Most people really don’t like these ads. They are often run by a 3rd party and could really be advertising anything. App developers use them as they are a possible source of revenue but they lose some control by taking this route.
We do not have any adverts for 3rd parties in our apps. There’s just no way to verify that they are OK and suitable for the kids using the apps. If we advertise any of our own apps, they’ll be for the same age group and they won’t placed on the main screen where tiny fingers can reach. We’ll avoid your children accidentally being taken to the app store.
So, look for apps that have been specifically written to protect your child.
Please take at look at our privacy policy for more info